Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

Short, Sweet and Hendersony

Excellent story on downtown Henderson, Pj Perez. I just read it ["The Other Downtown", August 27, 2006]. You really did your homework.


I Lived In That Mobile Home Park, I Should Know

I have read your article on the shutdown of Mountain View Park ["Housing Upheaval", August 17, 2006]. As a resident, I have some issues with parts of the article. First, Don Gilbert never tried to fix a deal of the problems with the trailers. I do not know where the $1 million he stated went, but it was not into the housing units. Don never tried to fix the empty trailers or more than minor repairs to any trailer after April. This meant that some people went without air conditioning and water for more than three days.

Second, I never heard of any brown recluse spider bites. As with most of the Valley, the main spider to be careful of was the black widow. Third, Gilbert had promised us as tenants that he would not shut down the park. Seven months is not enough time to expect a return on this kind of investment. If he had cared about what happened to the poor and disabled who lived here, he would have given more notice than a 30-day notice handed out after the office closed, so that no one could ask questions until the next day.

Cedric Westmoreland

Disgruntled Resident

Take Your Morals and Your High Road and your Concern For Prostitutes And Hit the Road!

I'm a regular reader of the Las Vegas Weekly. This is a reply to a letter written to the Weekly by a woman named Holly, titled "The Weekly Should Treat Sex Workers Better, and I'm Gonna Give You Hell" (August 17). Exactly who does she think the readers are? Ten-year-olds who just read it for the articles? I personally think the article was written very well and edited for adult content properly by the editors (although be it through a male's eyes, which I'm guessing is wrong in every situation that it doesn't agree with hers). She's treating Joshua [Longobardy, author of a story on prostitution, which Holly was responding to] like a red-headed stepchild who just said his first bad word.

And exactly who died and made her the God-given ruler of sex and prostitution? Is she a recovering prostitute who found help through this program? I'm guessing not.

Unfortunately or fortunately for the guy in the letter just above Holly's [who solicits prostitutes], sex is woven into the very fabric of society in Las Vegas just as much as gambling.

If she doesn't like the city the rest of us happen to call home, I'll tell her myself, pack your bags and get the hell out! There's more than a thousand cities that would love to have her and her morals.


Editor's Note: What do you mean, "just read it for the articles"? Are you suggesting there is some other, darker, Not Rated reason for opening the Weekly?

Erin Kenny Owes Us Cold, Hard Cash

Sorry Joshua Longobardy's well-researched article on former commissioner Erin Kenny [August 10, 2006] did not reference the taxpayers lawsuit Schaefer v. Kenny filed in U.S. District Court after the announcement of her plea bargain.

This litigation claims that when she took oath of office, she assigned her judgment and integrity to the taxpayers of Clark County (I am one, own a condo for many years at Wimbledon Tennis Club), and she then sold her good judgment and integrity for $400,000 to various bribe-givers, that the proceeds of the sale of a taxpayer asset, $400,000, rightly belongs to the taxpayers.

The case asserted that the U.S. attorney had no jurisdiction to divvy up the loot, i.e. let her keep three-quarters of the $400,000 in bribes, as government counsel agreed to do as part of her plea-bargain.

I think it was a great lawsuit that would set a new tone in this nasty business; i.e., that if you take a bribe, the money belongs to the taxpayers, who can come after it. But no attorneys offered to assist with the case (I live in Maryland now), and it was dismissed subject to being refiled if the County Commission or vigilant citizens ever show an interest in the issue.

We now know more about former commissioner and lieutenant governor nominee Kenny than we need to know. That's good.

Mike Schaefer

Baltimore, Md.

Watch Out For Hijackers in Boulder City

Watch Out For Hijackers in Boulder City Your article "Small Town Politics" [July 20, 2006] left out several pertinent facts that are always omitted by that small but vocal group of perpetual complainers in this town.

First, while Bill Smith was defeated by a mere handful of votes in the mayoral election, he was soundly defeated when his group organized a recall election shortly thereafter.

Second, the ballot issue to extend Adams Boulevard was actually a vote to authorize spending money out of the general fund to pay for it. The voters said they did not want to pay for it out of the fund. Later, other funding was made available and the extension was completed.

Third, the issue to put leases up to a vote of the public has been defeated three times.

In my opinion, if this group had a mission statement it would be to hinder and obstruct the city government at every turn. And I believe that their main goal is to shut down Boulder Creek Golf Club. They do not speak for the majority in Boulder City, they speak for themselves.

We have elected officials that are chosen to make decisions. This group is trying to hijack control of Boulder City against the will of the majority.

Sincerely, Jim Amstutz Boulder city

We Asked If We Could Print This Because It's Rad

I am writing in reference to the article Michael T. Toole wrote in today's [August 17, 2006] Weekly about Home Movie Day, called "Memory Lane, 8mm at a Time."

A correction needs to be made. Michael was, as many people are, quite taken with my "splendidly wild" hair.

Unfortunately, he called it a perm. This is very offensive to a woman who is proud of her Jewish/nubian kinky hair.

Strangers ALWAYS talk to me about my hair. I love it when they do. Especially when they are young, and tell me how rad I look. Who thought a 56-year-old woman could be so hip to the younger generation?

So you'd think a reporter would have the chutzpah to do so, as well.

He only needed to ask. Reporters should report, not presume.

I will let him make it up to me by covering my book launch at Dust Gallery on September 1 (First Friday) from 6-10 p.m. It's an art book about free speech.

Diane Bush

Editor's Note: Diane wants us to make it perfectly clear her tongue is in cheek.

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