
Matthew Scott Hunter

BEERFEST (2 stars)
Director: Jay Chandrasekhar.
Stars: Paul Soter, Erik Stolhanske, Kevin Heffernan.
Rated: PG. Opens Friday.

Watching Beerfest is like going on an all-night bender: Some of it's fun, some of it's just unpleasant and gross, and come morning, even the best parts are going to seem pretty stupid. Whether it's worth it depends on your own personal tolerance—not of alcohol, but of outrageous German accents and belch jokes.

This latest effort from the Super Troopers comedy troupe follows two brothers who drunkenly stumble upon the top secret Olympics of drinking, and form a team to beat the Germans. What follows is a lot of drinking—some of it beer, some of it urine.

It's a comedy specifically brewed for college campuses, where binge drinking is still romanticized, gratuitous nudity alone is worth the price of a movie ticket and the sight of a man taking a hit off the bong, chugging a beer, taking a shot, and finally exhaling the smoke can make an audience erupt in cheers. If you're not part of this demographic, it'd probably be best to avoid Beerfest.

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