What secrets do your dreams hold?

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I found a sack of kittens in my house. They were alive but needed care. It scared and saddened me. I woke up before I knew what happened to the cats.

Brenda, 64

Lauri: When we find something in a dream, it means we've recently discovered something new about ourselves or our lives. Kittens, in a woman's dream, often symbolize her sexuality. Any new developments in the intimacy department? Or do you need to rediscover this part of you? Have you "sacked" this part of your life? Just as the kittens were alive and needed some TLC, so does your sexuality, sister! Your dream says it's time to nurture it.

Brenda replies: I think you may have hit it. My husband can't have sex anymore and I think it has bothered me more than I realized. I'm going to work on building up my feelings about myself and know that I'm OK. I think you can actually help people realize some symbols may help us have better lives.

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