Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

Comedy Hurts

Matt Hunter,

Nice article ["It's Funny At the Bottom," June 15]. Kudos.

Hope to see you out and about among the comedy "in crowd" from now on.

Oh, and thanks for making me sound like a nervous hack instead of the cool customer who's been doing comedy for 20 years and has been performing on stage since he was 5. You fuck-head!

Dr. Jim Barth

LVSP Audio Visual Technologist

COmedy Excludes!

Why didn't [Matt] mention me, the “King" of Vegas comedy?

John Kingtamer

The Guy Who Writes In Nearly Every WEek

Comedy Is All About YOu, Huh?

Very funny article, Mr. Hunter. Not only did you outdo us by doing so well your first time on stage, but you also upstaged us by delivering all the funny jokes in the article. It's all about you, isn't it?

Thanks for the great piece. You made us all look good and we know you didn't have to do that. You used some good John Hilder quotes, too. That guy is so insightful.

Anyway, kick-ass job. I'll see you at Boomers this Sunday for your second time on stage.



A Prostitution Court Might Help My Neighborhood

Dear Mr. Damon Hodge,

Your outlook on a prostitution court is an idea that would have an amazing impact in my community. I live right on Fremont Street and just about every corner you look on, there's a hooker. I totally agree with many people in your article in last week's issue "[A Court of Their Own," June 8] on a prostitution court. It's something that would really clean up this area. I also see why many people are in fear for their child's life. If a baby picks something up off the ground, chances are it goes in their mouth. If it happens to be a condom or a needle and the person that used it had HIV or AIDS, well ... bye-bye baby.

Prostitution wouldn't be as bad if it was a little more confidential. I'm only 12 so that means when I get older, I've really got to be careful with boyfriends. Las Vegas is getting more and more dangerous every year it sounds like, too.

Always a reader,


Throwing In the Towel On THe Poor ARts District

Don't mean to beat a dead horse, but just throwing additional thoughts into the First Friday dialogue ["A District Divided," June 1]. I was there for the first First Friday, knowing a gallery owner and wanting to support her and what I thought a great idea, having been to many First Fridays across America. Well, it was a bit feeble but at least I thought it a step in the right direction. I have attended, off and on, over the few years it has been in existence but after my last experience, I have decided to throw in the towel. It just hasn't gone anywhere interesting, it is way too spread out to have any significant impact and being hustled by the valet guys certainly does not add to its charm.

Suzanne M. Childers

Choozi Entertainment LLC

Director of Creative Services

Attention Franky Perez: You Have Been dubbed a 'Special PErson'

Dear Mr. Franky Perez,

It is true that your honesty in conjunction with your rugged but soulful looks do make you very special as a human being. Presently I'm writing a book on special persons in various professions and I want to have you in the book. It would be excellent to converse with you over a coffee or a drink or whatever at a time and place convenient for you. (My doctoral works at Oxford saw me concentrate on the notion of "special persons.")

You may edit anything I write about you.

I do hope to hear from you soon!


Terence German

THe Best Totally OUt-of-Context Excerpt From An Otherwise Unnecessary Letter

"According to nature, the people that make [Social Security] a strong, sound fund are cigarette smokers, drunken drivers, drug users and others."

• • •

The Weekly's art director, Benjamen Purvis, won First Place (among newsweeklies with a circulation over 50,000) for Cover Design at the annual conference of the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies last weekend. His covers for “Crime Scene," “Dirtiest Story Ever Told" and “Guide to Strip Production Shows" were displayed at the conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. The AAN is a trade group of 126 free alternative newspapers nationwide, and this was the first year the Weekly entered.

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