Dear Nintendo: What were you thinking?

Matthew Scott Hunter

It's unfortunate, but in the video-game industry, marketing is every bit as important as technology. This makes Nintendo something of a cautionary tale. Despite the technical prowess of its last two systems, Nintendo's console sales have been steadily diminishing for a decade. Why? Well, this generation's offering looked like a purple kid's toy, scaring away mature gamers. The next generation's offering has a remote control-like controller, which is meant to appeal to non-gamers, but it scares away gamers. And for anyone else who's yet to be scared away, the new console has just been renamed "Wii" (pronounced "ee").

In light of this announcement, I'm compelled to ask Nintendo, "Wi?" (pronounced "why"). Wi would you give your last hope a name that requires supplemental explanation as to how one merely says it? It looks like the name of a tax form spelled with Roman numerals, not the future of gaming. And even if it is properly pronounced, do we really want kids all over America saying, "My mom thinks I spend too much time playing with my Wii?"

Fanboys who can't live without a Zelda fix (like me) will buy the new console even if it's called the Jigglypuff (please don't test us, Nintendo). But if Nintendo doesn't start appealing to a broader fan base, it might be making the next Zelda for the PlayStation 4.

Platform: PlayStation 2.
Rated: E.

If you thought Gran Turismo had two wheels too many, then this game's for you. But just as GT's insane attention to realism appeals mostly to hard-core gear-heads, Tourist Trophy's no-nonsense races and authentic bikes will appeal most to serious motorcycle enthusiasts. For casual gamers, the hyper-realistic physics may take some getting used to, but for everyone else, it's just like riding a bike.

ODAMA by NINTENDO (2.5 stars)
Platform: GameCube.
Rated: E10+.

What do you get when you combine the meticulous combat of a real-time strategy game with the haphazard action of pinball? You get your army advancing into the heart of enemy territory only to be wiped out when your giant pinball accidentally rolls over them and not your adversaries. This game's an interesting experiment, but there's a reason real ancient Japanese weapons didn't include giant pinballs.

Platform: Xbox 360.
Rated: M.

Jack Carver's getting an extended stay in paradise thanks to this disc, which includes the original Far Cry, a new campaign and a robust multiplayer. With only slight graphic improvements, it's really just more of the same guerilla-mauling action. But it's like taking a second tropical vacation—it may be the same island, but can you really complain?

Matthew Scott Hunter has been known to mumble, "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start" in his sleep. E-mail him at
[email protected].

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