What secrets do your dreams hold?

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was supposed to take my husband and his grandmother to the airport on my way to work. For some reason, I wanted to get rid of them and asked if I could drop them off earlier so I could get to work on time. I know this sounds like a boring dream, but it left me feeling very disturbed and I'm not sure why.

Rita, 43

Lauri: Your husband's grandmother may not be playing herself in this dream, but symbolize something about your husband that's gotten "old." Whatever it is, it's something you're ready to be rid of, just as you were ready to get rid of them in the dream. You also mention work twice in this dream report. Is it possible work is taking up too much of your time and attention lately? This dream was disturbing because it's commenting on something that's been bothering you lately, something you need to "work" to correct.

Rita replies: You're good! My husband has been working very long hours every day of the week, including weekends, and it's really getting old. Yes, work for me has been mentally exhausting and I badly need a long vacation.

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