Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

From One Letter-Writer To Another: You’re as Bad As Those You Criticize


In a letter in the October 12 issue, a Karl Bakla writes, "I don’t know why I’m complaining, what else would you expect from a weekly rag that readers vote Olive Garden their favorite Italian restaurant, and Starbucks their favorite coffee house."

Well, I AM COMPLAINING that this is written by a reader that earlier in the letter, admits to ditching work and stopping by Roberto’s, which I can only guess would be his choice as Best Mexican Restaurant. Now maybe Roberto’s is good, but the various locations have shown up with the C rating on the Clark County inspection list so many times that it makes one wonder just what the heck is being served there. And as far as Wal-Mart goes, I don’t think the time of day matters. They could just as easily name the store Everything Made In China, Guatemala or Pakistan, and people would still shop there for the "Low, low prices." Idiot nation at its best.

Charles Novak


Cool Korean Film Coverage!

Really liked the feature on Korean film (October 5). Certainly not the usual. That is the real strength of your Arts & Entertainment section, I think—it is constantly breaking out of routine to keep readers interested.

A Reader

Heads Roll Over Last Week’s One Night With the King movie review by Josh Bell

Thank you for putting it in such nice way and even though you are practically saying this movie is not that good, at least you had the decency to put it in kinder words. Your words are like a pillow under a head that is going to be chopped off.

Zoila Salinas

More Kingly Anger

If you had a little idea of what makes a good movie great you would be able to see past your bias of blood and guts films to see we need to have films out there that are able to make people today feel like there is hope in a God higher than Hollywood film trash that we mostly have produced and put on a screen titled as art and reviewers deem as a 5 star movie.

One Night With the King might not have made you jump out of your seat in fright or made you feel horny with steamy love scenes but it has lasted as a true love story a lot longer then even Gone With the Wind will ever be remembered. It wasn’t the costumes or actors that make this movie great it is the redeemer behind the original writer.


Succinct Hate!

Dear Josh Bell,

You're an idiot.

And a blasphemer.

Steve Kirkpatrick

What Would Jesus Do With Our Critic?

If the King favors you it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says!

If the King likes you it really doesn’t matter what others think about you or say about you!

You have certainly verified the theme of the movie ... thanks. Everyone has their place ... I stand with Tommy Tenny who has found favor with the King. He is a small town boy who has spent time in the presence of the King of Kings and the King accepted him because he is not afraid of critics like you!

When you find favor with the King you are not jealous of those who do!

Jayne Simpkins

Ben-Hur Was Better

I just saw the film with my three sons (15, 15, and 17) and I am working on several screenplays of my own. I am a faithful Christian and I agree with your tongue in cheek review. It seems that the best "Christian" films are done by non-Christians, from Ben-Hur to Chariots of Fire. If I need brain surgery, I don’t want a Christian surgeon, I want the best surgeon—Christian, Jewish, Muslim or atheist. If you are making a movie, better to be a great film maker with a moderate understanding of Christianity than a moderate film maker with a great understanding of the faith. On the drive home one of my sons said it best, "I was just waiting for the movie to be over ..." Bottom line—the book is much better than the movie. Too bad, as the story is quite good. Thanks for an honest review.

Martin Bennett

Richmond, VA

Let us Pray

Dear Mr. Bell,

I have just returned from viewing One Night with the King. I wanted so badly to like this film, but, alas, it was the out of focus, identity challenged film that you said it was. I join your prayer ... Why, O Lord, must Christian films be of such poor quality?

Barbara Brannon

Police Rebuttal

Mr. Damon Hodge,

It would seem that after taking up 20 minutes, or so, of my time while talking on a cell phone you would at least have the professionalism to get your quotes right ("Is This the Cops’ Business?" October 12). When we spoke you were fully aware that I was not working. In fact I am certain I told you I was off of work recovering from a surgery.

Regardless, for you to take my willingness to speak with you and turn it into some evaluation of my character speaks volumes about the type of person you are!!! Hopefully, as with the other 7-to-9 percent of our population that looks at those of us in Law Enforcement negatively, your inability to accurately reflect the statements of others will go largely unnoticed. ...

Since when is defending your officers who are being accused of wrongdoing (Lopez) "non-cop-related business"?

Since when is participating in decisions about the coroner’s inquest process (since the only people in this country that voluntarily go before them to explain their action are cops) "non-cop-related business"? Since when is exposing an elected official’s illegal activities (did you criticize the cops’ actions against Herrera, Chauncey, Kenny or Malone) "non-cop-related business"?

I would say to "have a nice day" but I try to make it a point to tell the truth!!

David Kallas

Police Protective Association

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