Beyond the Rope

Arlana “Red” Alvarez

Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
Age: 30

Profession: Hogs & Heifers bartender

Profile: Inexperienced with bartending when she was first hired, Red now handles bottles of Jack Daniel's, beer openers and bullhorns with speed and skill. And she kicks up a hell of a storm on top of the bar, too.

Why She Does What She Does: "My passion in life is dancing; it always has been. I get to be myself every day at work, have a good time and I get to make money while I have a good time—that's a bonus."

Personal Tidbit: "I like to eat a lot. If I'm not at work or sleeping, I'm eating. I have a super-fast metabolism. Most guys are pretty surprised when they see how much I can eat."

Last Movie Seen: Ron White: You Can't Fix Stupid.

Latest Accomplishment: Red is a full-time mom for two kids, Brandon, age 13, and Briana, age 12.

Quote: "Live each day to the fullest because you never know if tomorrow's going to be coming around."

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