Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

In Defense of Cover Model Angela

I just read the [negative] comments [Letters, September 7] written about Angela Beattie being selected as the cover girl [August 31]. Wow! Having known Angela since just before her 21st birthday and her first job in this industry, I can say, without hesitation, she is one of the most kind, most authentic and most beautiful people I have encountered, EVER! Angela IS in fact a model ... model citizen, that is.

Instead of relying on her looks as a source of income, she uses elegance, communication and organization as a means to an end. Angela didn't go to a casting to be in the Rehab ad campaign, she came as a favor to Chad and me. We hired models out of Los Angeles, but soon found out, as you did, her external beauty is just as potent as her internal beauty. I am ever hopeful people will actually think before they speak, or in this case, write. My hope is continuously dashed and ultimately I end up disappointed. Case in point, "A Satisfied Reader." Clearly, this "Satisfied Reader" is suffering from touch of "Unsatiated Attention." Here's a bit of advice to those who have a problem with Angela winning: Get over it. LV Weekly couldn't have found a better person to grace the cover.

Jack Lafleur



In Defense of Angela, Part II

This letter is in response to the schmuck who left the comment about Angela Beattie being on the cover of the Weekly ... Maybe before you go throwing insults around at people you don't know maybe you should get the facts first ... 1) Angela works at Hard Rock and has been asked many a time to pose for ads because of her high profile position at Body English Nightclub. 2) She's not a bitch. I don't know whether to laugh at ignorant hater morons such as yourself or pity you ... instead I'll provide the following advice ... Please do this town a favor and leave.






Dear Xania,

Loved the article you wrote about club etiquette [August 31]. You said what so many people should say but don't, because others either aren't aware of, or are ignorant to common sense in Las Vegas. That issue remains on my living room coffee table for my out of town guests to read.

Liz Boyd


In response to Damon Hodge's "Everyone Loves Iceberg Slick" [September 14]: So last week turned out to be a difficult one for me. My girlfriend and I called it quits, my baby's mamma was trippin' (due to my lack of commitment) ... and Damon Hodge made the small mistake of writing that I was addicted to crack at age 19. Lucky for me your newspaper only gets out to about 70,000 readers in the Vegas area and only a few millions readers from around the world have access to you online. Now it is no secret to those close to me and to the fans of my art that early in my career I was an avid drug user (honestly some of my best work came out during this time). I am not proud of this but it was a chapter in my life and a contributing factor to who I have become. I admit to indulging every hallucinogenic and mind-altering aide known to man but crack was completely out of the equation. There will be many who read this and say, "A drug abuser is a drug abuser. What's the difference?" Have you ever come into contact with one?? I sold crack in my youth and I have grown to despise crack users. I've known many dope fiends but crack smokers are the lowliest, rivaled only by smack and meth heads. I am used to misprints when dealing with the press but this one can cost me dearly. My children are old enough to read and my sponsors rely on my integrity. I need these sponsors to continue feeding my children and enhancing the careers of up-and-coming artists. I know this was not executed with malicious intent by Hodge but I really need this to be cleared up. Both of my parents are heartbroken. They feel like the ultimate failures. Not only did their youngest son choose the prodigal life of an artist but he's a CRACKHEAD too!!?

I tried to call them both and explain but hey who believes a crack fiend?

Iceberg Slick

The Las Vegas Hustler of Culture


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