Matthew Scott Hunter

One of the film's earlier bits involves a boxing glove that springs from the wall unexpectedly, belting one of the Jackass guys, Looney Tunes-style. I laughed. There was even enough variation on the prank the second and third times for me to keep laughing, and had the movie ended within 10 minutes of that, I would've given it a rave review. But it keeps going, and nearly all the visual gags have the same punchline: a member of the Jackass crew falling to the ground, clutching his wounded face, or more frequently, his testicles. (None of these guys will father children, but that's probably a good thing).

To fill its 95-minute running time, a lot of shockingly uninspired stunts are included. The gang's token dwarf bungee jumps from a bridge while tethered to the group's token fat guy. What happens? Well, they both fall in the water, of course. That's the joke. And for every amazing physical feat (Steve-O kicks a shark in the face), there are 10 sequences which are simply painful to watch (Steve-O shoves a three-inch fishing hook through his cheek). The movie is so jam-packed with blood, shit, vomit, pubic hair and even horse semen, you eventually get numb to the filth and gore.

I'm sure many of us at some point (probably very early adolescence) have dared or paid a friend to do something really stupid just to see if he'd do it. But of course the Jackass guys are going to do it. So essentially you're just paying to see something stupid and disgusting, and before you spend your hard-earned cash, you should probably ask yourself if you truly want to see that.

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