My Million Dollar Ideas: Pt. 1

It seems I can only go about my daily life for so long before I’m struck with more ideas on how to make it easier and more efficient in Las Vegas This translates to the fact I’m inconvenienced either personally, or through association, on a regular freaking basis. Now, I believe in problem solving. There are a LOT of problems in this world, but somehow only a minute amount of solutions. So here are mine – I hope somebody will put them to good use. (Before I figure out who to start addressing letters to.) C’mon Las Vegas – you’re supposed to be innovative. Start some useful trends before I have an aneurism over here.

1) Payphone Cameras We all saw that movie where Colin Farrell was getting blackmailed in the phone booth. Attacked by hookers and pimps, shot at by a sniper – there was a lot of criminal activity going on in that damn phone booth. And how about all those other movies where villains whisper creepily into payphones “make the drop at midnight. Come alone.” Or “do as I say or you’ll never see your daughter again.” How foiled would those fools be if the government installed tiny little micro cameras into the base assembly of that apparatus. Or even just had all the pay phones on video like a 7-11 counter? You’d see their face, probably the car they drove up in and even what direction they came and left. As soon as someone gets blackmailed, or kidnapped, or extorted simply role the footage back to anyone at a payphone in the nearby vicinity making a “convenient” phone call at that time. Now you have some suspects.

I know someone that got brutally beaten and mugged in a Henderson parking lot recently. After posting “reward” flyers for anyone with information on it, the actual criminal called my friend from a payphone, declared that he was responsible for the assault on the girl, and hung up. All I’m saying is let’s stop making payphones safe for losers.

Now don’t go anywhere. I still have to get to Compu Cardio and Pre-Incarceration Preventative Therapy. (Save your hate mail for that one, you’ll love it.)

Precocious entrepreneur, workaholic and a rabid perfectionist Crystal Starlight knows a thing or two about getting ahead at a young age. Email her at [email protected]

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