Rating: ****1/2

Microsoft Game Studios

Xbox 360

It’s easy for a game developer to build excitement for a title like Zelda or Metal Gear Solid, but it’s rare that an original intellectual property can gather quite so much hype … unless, of course, that new IP comes from Bioware.

The game developer responsible for incredible role-playing games like Jade Empire and Knights of the Old Republic is getting back to its sci-fi, space opera roots with Mass Effect. You can expect loads of spoken (and impeccably performed) dialogue, a choose-your-own-adventure story with unparalleled flexibility, and a combat system that further blurs the line between action game and RPG.

The game takes place during a period in the future when humanity has become the latest member of an intergalactic club of alien races. You’re free to either make a good impression or burn bridges, but either way, you’re in for an adventure filled with intrigue that will have you running and gunning with an assortment of eccentric allies. Or are they allies? You’ll have to play to see.



Rating: *1/2

Namco Bandai Games


I don’t know what’s more embarrassing—that every altercation in this game can be easily won by randomly waving your Wii-motes, or that anyone who walks in while you’re playing this game will catch you randomly waving your arms like some sort of epileptic chicken. The Soulcalibur franchise deserves better than this rushed-to-stores action-adventure spin-off.


Rating: ***1/2

Sierra Entertainment


Simple geometric shapes haven’t been this much fun in a video game since the original StarFox had the evil Andross coughing polygons out at Fox McCloud. What began as an Xbox Live Arcade offering has evolved into a full-blown game, and space shooters don’t come any more frantic than this. But be warned: the extra price comes with an extra challenge. By the final level, you’ll swear you’ve advanced to trigonometry wars.


Rating: ***



Considering this is a free pack-in with the Wii Zapper peripheral, I would’ve been pleased with something as simplistic as Duck Hunt. Instead, we get a light gun-style shooter under the banner of Nintendo’s flagship franchise, with graphics on a par with the latest entry in the Zelda series. Sure, it’s an exceptionally brief game, but shooting evil wolves and skeletons brings a lot more replay value than shooting ducks and clay pigeons.

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