
The Apocalyptics

Quest For Disaster!  ***

Julie Seabaugh

It’s no secret that the members of The Apocalyptics are fans of Milwaukee’s finest. “The Apocalyptics formed in November ’04,” their MySpace reads. “Since then we have been playing punkf--kinrockinroll fueled by copious amounts of Pabst Blue Ribbon.” As for their “Influences” and “Sounds like” boxes? “Chainsaws. snakes. skulls. snakes crawling through skulls. high fives. beer ... jaded 20-somethings with cheap alcohol and big amps in a small room.” Hell, their “Pinto From Hell” even admits, “Don’t give a f--k as long as we get to the bar.”

Judging from their debut full-length, they’re also horror fans. Short, snotty and to-the-point surf-punk stories of bloodthirsty undersea predators (“Shark Attack”), the feminine wiles of the undead (“Zombina”) and half-men/half-wolves on a tear (“Full Moon”) make the cut, as do mentions of blood, broken feet, bullet wounds, cool hearts, bone-picking vultures, mantle-top skulls, corpse-littered highways, rotting flesh, splattered dead cats, etc.

Andy, Matt and Xtal (Krystal) take no prisoners, and they prefer to leave frills and affectations to those less skilled with traded vocals and triple-time beats. And just to further prove the point, they’ve ensured that Saturday’s CD-release show features $2 PBR specials. As for the monsters, you’ll have to bring your own. ( 

With The Silver State Slackers, Yeller Bellies. December 8, 9 p.m., free. Freakin’ Frog, 597-3237.

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