What Would Jesus Buy?

Turning a serious subject—Americans’ addiction to shopping and credit—into a satirical documentary is a nice idea, but the execution here leaves something to be desired. What Would Jesus Buy? follows Reverend Billy (performance artist/activist Bill Talen) and his Church of Stop Shopping on a cross-country tour, where they bring their anti-consumerist message to the nation’s mall-goers with evangelical zeal. Tension mounts via a scary bus wreck and the troupe’s flagging dedication, but the trip is notable mostly for its thematic monotony. Part of the problem is that the Rev’s schtick is neither funny nor insightful enough to sustain an hour-and-a-half movie, despite his admirable determination.

But the endeavor’s true failing is that it spends its ire on presumably benighted Middle Americans rather than the greedy corporations that prey on them. What would Jesus buy? Probably not this condescending misfire. –Vic Carroon

What Would Jesus Buy?


Directed by Rob VanAlkemade

Not rated

Opens Friday

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