Liz Armstrong digs for what lurks beneath the underground

Liz Armstrong

Regardless, he's no drag—you want to do the kind of snapping you associate with cool—cat beat poets in berets and black turtlenecks as he speak—sings about the true nature of singles off records, especially the one he's speak—singing on right now. It's the musical equivalent of an M.C. Escher painting. The CD's out next week.

But why does that mean we can't get our hands on Fowler's other huge project, ANP Quarterly? A tabloid—size glossy mag full of interviews with current and emerging artists and now people and dreamers—the most recent issue featuring psycho—psychedelic arts collective Paper Rad and Catholic nun/artist Sister Corita Kent—it's a pretty fascinating read without the scummy hipster film coating the text usually associated with similar projects. And it's free. But why can you get it in freaking Missoula, Montana, and not in the closest major city to its origin? Sigh...

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