Anatomy of a tour flier, Sweet Talk, “White” vs. “Hot” Longevity?

Anatomy of a tour flier

Our resident artist breaks down his fever—induced handiwork

Two weeks ago I was approached by local music promoter Travis Price to create a flier for Of Montreal's February 13 Art Bar gig. I accepted his request, but behind the scenes I was suffering from a strange mix of walking pneumonia and bronchitis, for which I'd been prescribed the opiate—based cough syrup Hydrocodone. So running a mild fever, wasted on a legal narcotic and bored to death at home, I began work on the flier I myself appear in.

1. Mask: A friend had just returned from Pakistan with a Middle Eastern head wrap known as a Shemagh. Listening to a mix of Turkish psych—rock and Eastern European neo—disco, I threw it on along with a burgundy suit I bought from Savers, dug out the ol' aviators and had myself a costume that would not only disguise my identity from the G—men, but help me double as a trashy '70s scumbag terrorist.

2. Keyboard: In today's world of '80s—revival rock, the small keyboard has become quite the staple. I happen to own one, so my instrument of musical torture became the perfect, well, instrument of tour—flier torture.

3. Teddy Bear Hostage: The codeine kicked in and I thought this up—I really have no idea why it's in there. Still, it sure takes the scariness out of the image, moving it from "quasi—terrorist propaganda" to "absurd idiot pop." Emphasis on "idiot." Needless to say, the bear ended up okay.

– Aaron Thompson

Sweet Talk

You and your loved one could do a lot this Valentine's Day. Five reasons you might consider snuggling up to the Aladdin's "Fusion 2007" hip—hop celebration:

Love Your Slow Jamz

Dear: Kanye West

What we love: Your uber—confidence; "Jesus Walks," "Gold Digger" and the rest of the hits; the chance to hear some material from third album Graduation.

Crazy For You

Dear: Gnarls Barkley

What we love: Cee—Lo's retro—soul voice; that cover of The Violent Femmes' "Gone Daddy Gone"; the costumes.

Daydreamin' of You

Dear: Lupe Fiasco

What we love: Debut Food & Liquor, one of 2006's best hip—hop discs; skateboard—loving single "Kick, Push"; any rapper smart enough to employ Jill Scott's pipes.

Mash Up With Me

Dear: Girl Talk

What we love: A DJ who fuses Boston, Ludacris, Oasis and The Boredoms on the same song; the balls it takes to segue from a James Taylor sample to a 50 Cent beat; a dude who dances while working his laptop.

Spank Me Baby

Dear: Spank Rock

What we love: East—Coast party joints that should make every Dirty South rapper jealous; producer XXXChange's ultra—hip, electro—spiced beats.

– Spencer Patterson

February 14, 8 p.m., $57—$148. Aladdin Theatre, 785—5000.

Foreigner vs. Moody Blues

"White" vs. "Hot" Longevity? Musical chops? Save it for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame appeals. We just wanna know who still holds more pop—culture cred.

By Julie Seabaugh


Moody Blues


A "Foreigner Belt" on Aqua Teen Hunger Force froze Carl "Cold As Ice."

The band appeared in The Simpsons episode "Viva Ned Flanders"

Advantage: In light of the Boston bomb/Lite-Brite scare, Foreigner.


Songs have appeared in ads for Verizon Wireless, Coors Light and Burger King

The U.S. Air Force, "Nights in White Satin Perfume," Missouri’s Meramec Caverns and Personal GB Scotch Whiskey have made use of Moody tunes

Advantage: Moody Blues, for never kowtowing to that creepily-grinning King.


An episode of Fox’s Bones featured "Hot Blooded"

The Sopranos utilized "Nights in White Satin" in Episode 25, "Knights in White Satin Armor"

Advantage: Tony Soprano always bests David Boreanaz, capisce?


Six fake MySpace pages

Seven fake MySpace pages

Advantage: Moody Blues, for keeping Tom on his toes.

More Cred: Moody Blues takes it by a (white) hair.

Coming to Town

February 8-10, 8 p.m., $50-$62.50.

Vegas Hilton, 732-5755.

February 9-10, 8 p.m., $49-$79.

Luxor Theater, 262-4400.

Coming to Town

Opening for
Pete Yorn, with Charlotte Martin. February 15, 5:30 p.m., $25. House of Blues, 632-7600.


Memory Man (3 stars)

It's a head-scratcher: Aqualung's (aka Matt Hales) tracks have appeared on The O.C. and Scrubs, yet the youthful UK sensation's crashing pianos and soulful crooning are the very opposite of traditionally hip. Apparently epic, slow-building modern pop in the vein of U2 and Coldplay is the new black.

- Julie Seabaugh

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