The Last Sin Eater

Matthew Scott Hunter

The Last Sin Eater

( 1 1/2 stars)

Louise Fletcher, Henry Thomas, Liana Liberato

Directed by Michael Landon Jr.

Rated PG-13

Opens Friday

The problem with a lot of faith-based films is that they preach to the choir. If you're not in the choir, the movie fails as a movie. The Last Sin Eater takes place in a small village in 19th-century Appalachia, where second-generation Welsh immigrants have apparently never even heard of the Bible. They still embrace the Old World practice of having a sin eater visit every funeral to dine on the deceased's worldly mistakes in order to cleanse his soul. A young girl, Cadi (Liberato), becomes obsessed with finding the sin eater to rid her of guilt from her role in her sister's death. While the idea of a sin-eating outcast is mysterious and fascinating, director Michael Landon Jr. (yup—that's his son) fails to draw out the suspense. Instead, he jumps right into the religious agenda. Cadi finds her supposed redeemer, but his sin snacking predictably fails to remove her guilt. Looks like this is a job for "The Last Sin Eater," aka Jesus Christ. Thomas shows up as a Man of God and preaches to young Cadi. Two or three vague Bible passages later, she's cured. , Like much else here, it begs the question: Did anyone really learn anything? Or did they just upgrade to a slightly more upbeat version of the same ritual?

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