Canadians, Jamie Foxx, and Monopoly Money

Part 3: Monopoly Money

I must say, things haven’t slowed down much since the inception of our highly chaotic social life, May 10 weekend. I’m not one to go out regularly, but I am certainly one to celebrate special occasions. The problem with Las Vegas is there are a lot of special occasions.

Friday, June 1

First it was friends from Oregon, then friends from Canada, the following weekend was a friend from LA (and Memorial Weekend) and now it’s Chad’s sister’s birthday.

I’ll be brief: Triq Nightclub, WAY too much fun, 8:00 a.m. return time. I’m sure you’re aware there is more to this, but in lieu of making this segment any longer than it’s already going to be -- just laugh and picture me entertaining a grab bag of personalities primarily 30 and older, married, and with kids. Sometimes I think they’re the crazy ones. It was a riot. Just take my word for it.

Friday, June 8

My god, an actual weekend off? The funny part is I’m typically so disconnected from the club scene that when my roommate asked, “What are you guys doing tonight?” I said, “Why?” Only to be reminded it’s Friday and that’s typically a big deal. My weekends usually feel like weekdays, primarily because I work on my weekends and have a certain degree of goofing off during my weekdays. All seven days are the same to me.

Thursday, June 14

Just a normal week getting ready to be followed by my second normal weekend. I had a couple of meetings and then planned to round out my day absorbing some sun at a casino pool when I noticed an unidentified Oregon number calling my cell phone.


“Heeeyyyya! Whatcha doin?” Thick Scottish accent: my friend David. “I’m in Las Vegas!”

Oh good god. See what happens to me?

“You don’t call me until you GET to Vegas? Where’s my warning?” There goes my normal weekend. (Like I hate it that much anyway …)

It was getting late; we missed our window of sunshine for the pool and made plans to come back Friday.

“I’ll send a limo to North Vegas for you tomorrow!” says David’s friend. “Bring Chad!”

David is in town with one of his friends who -- judging by the gift basket I see in their suite upon my arrival -- obviously spends a lot of time at the MGM. That pretty much leads me to believe their suite was comped. On top of that, he has four tickets to Danny Gans that happen to be rather inexpensive as well.

And after a nice dinner with the three of us at Shimbuya, so it starts.

[To be continued]

Precocious entrepreneur, workaholic and a rabid perfectionist Crystal Starlight knows a thing or two about getting ahead at a young age. Email her at [email protected]

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