
Shirt in the Jupon

Shirt in the Jupon ****

Aaron Thompson

Tomoya Fukao, Southern Nevada’s transplanted 27-year-old omni-soloist, and his project Shirt in the Jupon are by any measure completely non-Vegas. His spacey yet grindy riffs and up-tempo beats are akin to such Scandi-rockers as Dungen and Circle, though Fukao differs from his European cousins by sprinkling elements of J-rock, garage and experimentalism into his brilliant hybrid. Sure, at times it can get a little dizzying hearing all those influences come together in one swift song, but as the confusion fades, the results pay off for the listener, leaving music that will inspire you to rock out, nod your head, dance or just sit back and chill out. Shirt in the Jupon has created something entirely new, and for that he is not of this town. Listen at; purchase in local stores and through

  • Get More Stories from Tue, Jul 3, 2007
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