Dream Zone

DREAM ZONE for Week of July 26-August 1

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

In many of my dreams I move through a different home.

For some reason the staircase seems important. I feel awe

and excitement when I find hidden spaces but horrified when I discover tight, tunnel-like spaces.

–Michelle, 38, Syracuse, UT

Lauri: The house —to your dreaming mind—is YOU! Whether it’s your actual house or a dream house, it is symbolic of your state of mind, your personality construct. As you move through the house in your dream, you are actually doing some inner exploration of your self. The staircase seems important to you because it represents your ability to progress in life, your ability to move up to the next level and rise above where you are right now. The hidden spaces represent aspects of yourself you didn’t realize were there. The tight, tunnel-like spaces are the parts of you that constrict you—your stubbornness, or your fears. They represent the things that hold you back in life, which is why they horrify you in the dream.

Michelle replies: Your interpretation is comforting. My house dreams always have a staircase—and I’m always drawn to them. I love your metaphor since I’m constantly trying to do all I can to better my situation. The tunnel being something about myself that holds me back also seems right. I do try to enter the tunnels, and I get “stuck.” That’s why they are scary; it’s like I already know I cannot pass through them. Thanks.


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