Dream Zone


Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Last night I dreamt I was riding in the back seat of a car and my dad was driving ... horribly! He was driving like a maniac. He kept going off the road and almost ran into a Mack truck at least three different times! I woke up terrified and sweating.

–Kathy, 33, Miami, FL

Lauri: Don’t force Dad back to driving school just yet! Unless there is some issue with your dad right now, he isn’t playing himself. Usually when Dad makes an appearance in our dreams, he is standing in for a part of our self, the part of our self that is like Dad, the part that knows what is best, the part of us that makes decisions. Just as your dad keeps driving off the road in your dream, it seems that your dad-self has “gone off-track” somehow. Have you made a bad or “reckless” decision recently? Have your finances gone “out of control”? Whenever we have a dream where someone else is driving, it means we are not feeling in control. This dream is a warning that you have veered off-course, you have lost control of something and you’d best get things “back on track” and “headed in the right direction” before a problem as big as a Mack truck crosses your path!

Kathy replies: Wow. This is amazing. I have lost control of my finances. I have been spending like crazy these last couple of months. Funny, I am just now realizing that the day before I had this dream I told my husband that I was afraid we were going to run out of money.

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