Peggy Plots Your Planets


with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I have a recurring dream in which I find myself needing to use a public restroom. All I can find are very dirty, non-working toilets or ones that have no doors, and I have to chance someone seeing me.

– Janice, 42, Greensburg, PA

Lauri: To your dreaming mind, bathrooms and toilets symbolize your ability to "eliminate" and "flush away" any negativity and frustration. You'll find that you get this dream whenever something or someone has really been bothering you. Are you the type who bites her tongue rather than speaking up when someone upsets you? This is why, in your dreams, the toilets are unusable. It's backing up because your "flushing mechanism" isn't being used enough. The bathrooms seem very unappealing to you because the thought of speaking your mind to the person who has offended you in real life is unappealing. Also notice how sometimes there are no doors, and you are afraid someone might see you. This reflects concern over how you may "appear" to others should you tell them what you really think. The message of these dreams is: You gotta find a way to "cleanse" yourself of your frustration or—like the bathrooms in your dreams—life will really start to stink!

Janice replies: This made a lot of sense. I do not like confrontations, and I have friends who tell me I need to make more "noise." Thank you again for your help.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is thedreamzone.com

(March 20-April 20)

Yes indeed, little ram, it is your birthday month, and everyone wants to talk. New people enter your life. A few secrets could be revealed this week. Your thinking speeds up, and your intuition is in full gear. You seem to get the insight out of the air. Neptune encourages you to work on your new ideas. A few of your relationships may take you for a spin, but there's no need to worry, little ram. Why worry about what others sometimes think? The full moon occurs on Monday while Venus squares off with Saturn. You now have the opportunity to ask yourself, what are the values of some relationships—what do you put in, and what do you get out?

(April 20-May 21)

Trust in yourself. Yes indeed, you may solve a few of your problems this week. Don't worry about what others think. The full moon takes center stage on Monday. Now keep your feet planted to the ground. You are an earth sign, so this should be a comfortable task. Sweet Venus is in your sign, little ram, and Venus is your ruling sign, squaring off with Saturn. Family members may seem a little stubborn, so don't butt heads with them. Now go ahead and make your monthly wish and set a goal or two. Do so before the full moon arrives on Monday. Tell someone about your ideas.

(May 21-June 21)

On Sunday, Mercury, another communicator, hooks up with Uranus, the planet where everything occurs suddenly. Yes indeed, your thinking is full-force. Do not jump to conclusions. This is a very exciting transit. This is a positive week for any type of mental work. Your intuition is strong. Full moon on Monday in the sign of Libra, your sister air sign. Remember, it is the oxygen from your air that keeps their fire glowing. Make your wish and set a goal or two. Share your knowledge this week. Next week, Mars brings energy to your career department.

(June 21-July 22)

I know you feel the energy, little crab. Your ruling planet, the moon, is full on Monday. This brings a glow to the home front. On Sunday, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, communicates with Uranus. Your intuition is now in high gear. Your thinking speeds up. You have a desire to share your higher knowledge with other people. You also rule the fourth house of home, and with a full moon, you are looking for balance. On Sunday and Monday during the full moon, be especially careful to think before you speak. Don't put your claws in your mouth. Your mind races ahead. This Libra full moon may bring you balance. The sun shines bright in the career department.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

A full moon arrives this week in your friendly air sign of Libra. You are the leader of the jungle, so there's no need to take on all the work. Go ahead and delegate a few of your jobs. No need to take on too much responsibility. The full moon occurs in the space of communication, and Mercury, the communicator, is in touch with Uranus, the planet where everything occurs suddenly. This could be a good week to share your knowledge. Bring up a delicate subject. Listen to what others have to say. Saturn and Venus square off. Not a good time to argue with the people in charge.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

The full moon brings a glow to your value department. This is not the week to share your knowledge. Venus squares off with Saturn. Others may not share your dreams. Mercury, your ruling planet, holds talks with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. You may come up with new ideas. You are much aware of what is developing in the relationship department, both business and personal. Trust in your intuition. Make a wish and set a goal for the month. Watch your emotions. You are extremely good with mental work this week.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Take care of yourself in the relationship department. You find balance this week as you express the truth. Put old issues behind you. Mercury, the messenger, and Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, speed up your thinking in the daily work department. Do not jump to conclusions. Trust your insight. This is not a good week to discuss your hopes, wishes and goals with others. Venus squares off with Saturn. Use your ideas and build a solid foundation. New friends flow in. Get ready for a turning point in your life.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)

So you feel a little emotional, Mr. Detective. Well, the full moon will shed light on a few mysteries on Monday. Yes indeed, secrets could be revealed. Mars sends energy to recheck what you value. Chatty Mercury gets with Uranus this Sunday. See what's lurking in the creative department. Expect the unexpected. The sun is in Aries. You may experience a few changes in your daily work. Don't argue with people in authority when Venus squares off with Saturn. Make your wish and set your goal before the full moon arrives on Monday. Your intuition is strong.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The sun is in fellow fire sign Aries. Talk about your creative ideas. Yes indeed, work on your people skills. Make your wish, and set your goals. The full moon arrives on Monday in Libra. Keep your words soft and tender on Monday when Venus squares off with Saturn. Someone may not share your philosophy. Mercury gets together with Uranus. Unexpected messages arrive on the home front this week. Mars and Pluto cut through Neptune's fog.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Full moon sends a glow to your mountain. Yes indeed, little mountain goat, the career department receives the light of the full moon in Libra. Now you may choose to pull out the scales and see what needs a little balance. Keep a few of your creative ideas on hold while Venus squares off with Saturn. The banker may not be friendly. Expect the unexpected this week in the communication department. Sunday is Palm Sunday, and Passover begins on Tuesday. Patience is the key this week. Pay attention to finances. Get a little R&R.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Full moon falls in your sister air sign Libra. Yes indeed, Mercury, the messenger, is talking with Uranus, the planet of sudden opportunities, on Sunday. Oh my, dear Aquarius, this occurs in your money space. Clear communication flows your way with earned income—all of your money matters, including what you value. Now the full moon offers the balance while she sits in the sign of Libra. Now make your wish and set a goal or two for the month little genius. Social opportunities flow your way. Your messages are clear. The sun shines bright in your space of communication.

(Feb. 18-March 20)

Yes indeed, little fish, Mercury takes up residence in your sign. Uranus, where everything occurs suddenly, also visits in Pisces. Expect the unexpected—ideas and words flow out of your mouth. Your intuition is strong. Go with your feelings. No need to balance your hopes, wishes and ideas. The universe sends the energy. Play hush-hush on Monday when Venus squares off with Saturn—especially those in your daily work department. Other people may not share your values. Some of the decisions you may have put off will come easily. Remember, we had a solar eclipse in your sign last month.

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755 or at [email protected].

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