
[Recreation] Who you calling a (green) fairy?

Your guide to absinthe in Vegas

Julie Seabaugh

In honor of absinthe’s (legal) return to Las Vegas, we drank some! And then “theorized” what hallucinations might occur based on the locale ...

The Artisan Hotel

How it’s served: Absenthe Minded Martini: Absente, Absinthe Refined (the fake stuff) + Bombay Sapphire + Grand Mariner + Dry Vermouth + lemon-peel twist, $14

How it tastes: The death of childhood dreams, but with a kicky black-licorice aftertaste

Have a nice trip: Laughing paintings, walking sculptures, dancing paint brushes

Downtown Cocktail Room

How it’s served: The Huntridge: Plymouth gin + Kubler absinthe + simple syrup + four slices muddled cucumber + juice of one whole lemon + splash of soda + “4 oz. TLC,” $9

How it tastes: Alcoholic salad

Have a nice trip: Crimson and black swirls, coffin lids closing, hellfires blazing

Stir Lounge, Platinum Hotel

How it’s served: The Fear and Loathing: Cherry vodka + Peacock’s Vanilla Bean cello + sugar cube + Kubler absinthe + fire, $13

How it tastes: Tooth-rottingly sweet almond, Essence of Gonzo

Have a nice trip: Snowboarders soar off the flat-screen into the cracked glass plates behind the bar, red suede chairs morph into platelets bumping through squiggly-carpet arteries

Mermaid Restaurant and Lounge, Silverton Casino

How it’s served: 2 oz. Kubler absinthe + sugar + two parts water + crushed ice + highball glass, $8

How it tastes: Straight-up paint-peeling ouzo

Have a nice trip: Grizzly attacks, teal jellyfish floating down from ceiling (sources indicate those jellyfish may be real)

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