Dream Zone


Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

In my dream there is a man in a cloak hiding his identity. He tells me that we are going to go kill a bunch of people, and being afraid that he will kill me, I agree. I watch him torture people. He throws a torturing ball at me then takes his cloak off, and it is my friend from the Christian camp that I go to. In real life he is very sweet and a strong Christian. He tells me I can go. I run out and start to panic.

–Rachel, 18, Mason, OH

Lauri: The cloaked man indicates that there is something you are trying to keep “under wraps.” The torture you see in this dream implies that you are “tortured” over a certain decision or situation right now. The cloaked man throws a ball at you because “the ball is in your court.”  It’s an interesting twist that your friend from your Christian camp turned out to be the cloaked man! I think your dream is telling you that the Christian thing to do is to stop hiding the truth. Taking the cloak off symbolizes lifting the veil of secrecy. And that is when he freed you. The truth shall set you free.

Rachel replies: Wow! I used to be a strong Christian and then went astray for about two years. The ball is in my court because I am currently trying to unveil to my new friends from the past two years that I am turning back to my Christian ways. But I’m worried they won’t see me the same or won’t understand why. It’s so weird how a dream can tell you so much.

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