
Horoscope: Peggy Plots Your Planets for week of Sept. 13-19

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755 or at [email protected].

Peggy Allison

ARIES (March 20-April 20)

I know you early-born rams are adjusting to the shift of Saturn. Go ahead. Make the changes. Saturn will keep you fit in the health department, and he will also provide discipline for your work ethics. Now remember, as you run around the meadow, your energy has been freed up. Make your wish and set your monthly goal. You may have a desire to detail and analyze while the planets visit Virgo. Don’t get too critical. Just make the necessary adjustment. Relationships and new friends develop. Plan for events. Expand your social life. Join groups, clubs and organizations. Discuss your ideas.

TAURUS (April 20-May 21)

Spruce up the barnyard and finish your domestic projects. The sun shines bright in Leo, the sign it rules. Pay special attention to business matters as the week ends. Check out all the facts before you make any final decisions this week. Remember the rule: If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Make your wish and set your monthly goals. Work on creative ventures. Mars brings action to the earned-income department. Talk about your values. Don’t get discouraged. Look at what you have already accomplished. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Okay, so you have the gift of gab. You are full of ideas. Mercury, your ruling planet, talks to Jupiter today. Connect with your communication skills. Jupiter brings the opportunity. You have the ability to impress others. Yes indeed, your thinking is deep. Solve problems. Watch tension as the week winds down. Mars and Pluto may not be the best of friends over the next few days, so keep your words soft and tender. Sweet Venus smiles at Mercury, and Mercury winks at Neptune. You are sensitive now. Talk love, not war.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Venus and Pluto went direct last week, and now you are finding your missing energy. Yes indeed, my friend, a great boost of energy. In fact, you may find you have a little more money. Now say thank you very much to sweet Venus. Spend it on something you want. Trust your instincts. You are ruled by the moon. If it feels right, wear it. The moon gets a boost of energy from Mars. Concentrate on your actions. Don’t get scattered, my friend. Make your wish and set a monthly goal. You may be surprised by what pops up next month. Saturn provides energy to work on your communication skills. Go ahead and detail and analyze while Virgo steps up to the plate.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 23)

Mars squares off with Pluto this week. Your are a fire sign, but you don’t need to get all fired up. Keep your cool and you will be the winner. Hold on to your pocket book. Be flexible, little kitty. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. I know power struggles are undesirable. Pamper yourself. You will indeed benefit from all your hard work. Do not forget to make your wish and set your monthly goal. Finances are the focus of your life now. This is not a problem, my friend. On Sunday, cast a line or two, and what you catch could take you by surprise. The moon is in Scorpio.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

Your month of birthday celebrations is nearing an end. You now have Saturn taking up residence in your sign. Then the solar eclipse occurred in your sign last week. This week, take time out to set your monthly goal. This is also a good time to set your goal for the next year and make your wishes. In fact, write down a few of your wishes for both the month and the year. Go ahead and dream, but keep your feet grounded. Pay attention to issues. Remember, you love to detail and analyze. Look at your finances. Avoid work-related power struggles.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

The sun squares off with Mars on Monday and Pluto on Wednesday. Now if you feel you must open up, go ahead. Just say it kindly. No need to cover up the truth.  You could be on the receiving end of good news this week. This news could come from people at work. Could be the boss. Now, make your wish and set your monthly goal. Being an air sign, you have many ideas. Being the peacemaker, you are the sign of the zodiac who is most likely to be understood. You have a unique idea to communicate. Remember, my friend, you are ruled by sweet Venus.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)

We all know you are the detective. Yes indeed, you are the secret one. Well, my friend, this week keep your secrets to yourself since you dislike people who talk about you. Keep your relationships a secret.  Remain patient. You may not get your way.  People may not agree with what you value. In fact, they may have a different idea. Work on your creative ideas. Don’t let unexpected events gobble up your valuable time. Use it creatively. Make your wish and set a monthly goal. Write down your wishes. You, Mr. Detective, may be surprised at what you dig up.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Let your thinking expand. Jupiter, your ruling planet, suggests that you keep it real. Big ideas come from the influence of the moon and Mercury. You may start out with a short note that reflects your vision. The sun squares off with Pluto on Wednesday. Keep your words soft and tender. Don’t tick off the boss or others in authority. Join your Virgo friends in a birthday celebration. Your mind is full of ideas. A Virgo may help you detail and analyze something. Career-wise, you could not be better while Saturn visits in the Virgo section of your chart. Yes indeed, more responsibility, but, my friend, this is something you are used to handling. Next week, the pressure is off.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Write down a wish and set your monthly goal. Travel and higher knowledge take center stage. Yes indeed, my friend, these become the priority for you little mountain goats. Address your concern while Mercury and Saturn are disagreeing. Keep your words soft and tender, but speak up on important issues. The sun and Mars square off Monday. Watch out for conflicts. Defuse the situation. Use your insight. Remember, you are ruled by Saturn. You are the worker of the zodiac. Old friends often appreciate your efforts. Listen to your friends if they appear a little emotional this week.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

I know you may feel pressure Monday. Yes indeed, my friend, Mars squares off with the sun in the sign of Virgo. Stand up for yourself. It is sometimes easier to deal with people in groups than one-on-one. Career matters may demand more attention later this month. Set your monthly goal. Write down a few of your wishes. Listen to your instincts, little genius. Your Virgo friends are winding down a month of birthday celebrations. Go ahead and join in. Next week’s column will talk about the start of a month of birthdays for Libra, your sister air sign.

PISCES (Feb. 18-March 20)

Now, your intuition and your insights are very strong. Set your monthly goals and write down your hopes and wishes. Your intuition on the job is at a super level. You see patterns others miss. Share this insight, but do it discreetly. Okay, Pluto squares the sun, and you could annoy a person in authority. No need for any sort of conflict. Your emotions are in high gear. Go ahead and make changes in your relationships. Solve your problems. Changes you make now will be for the better. Saturn in Virgo, the sector of your chart that deals with relationships, teaches you to get organized and grounded.

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