Crystal Starlight

A successful, single man’s adventures in Sin City: Pt. 1

People love dating columns. And everyone, it seems, is constantly perplexed by the Vegas dating scene. So let me introduce you to my latest creation: a column within a column. Feel free to familiarize yourself with it; for, as long as my single, successful male friend retains his strapping good looks, women everywhere will unknowingly be contributing to the real-life portrayal of what I like to call, “Love in Las Vegas.”

But is the hype accurate? Is everyone in Vegas looking for a quick hook up, a disposable date, or a status stepping stone? Do tourists’ values diminish the second their plane touches down at McCarran? Let’s ask Lisa, from Florida, who has been aggressively eyeing my single friend all night. (We’ll call him “Brad.”) Brad quickly picked up on Lisa’s coy smile, the whispers to her friend, and the not so subtle “come over here” glances. Drinks are ordered as music plays on and it doesn’t take long before Lisa’s glances turn into physical gestures and physical gestures turn into insinuative, on-going, mouth to mouth contact. Brad likes an aggressive woman.

“Who are you here with?” Brad asks, slightly wondering if she may have additional female friends.

“Oh, I’m here with my husband and two year old. But they’re back at the hotel.” 

The lingering taste in Brad’s mouth must have been the sweet taste of devoted commitment.

Now, Brad has an evident appeal with the ladies. Very considerate and almost “old fashioned,” I can see how many women would call him a catch. His six-bedroom house is picturesque; adorned with paintings, statues, double wine racks in the kitchen, and multiple bottles of high-end champagne occupying space in the refrigerator. Brad has a great job, a quiet yet strong demeanor and a definite eye for style. So much so that normally reserved women forget their nuptials? Or is Vegas a proverbial hell on earth for anyone dreaming of a white wedding and monogamy? Which is seemingly becoming so passé …

Precocious entrepreneur, workaholic and a rabid perfectionist Crystal Starlight knows a thing or two about getting ahead at a young age. Email her at [email protected]

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