“No” is a full sentence

What has lethal capabilities, is overused by almost everyone, and is completely unnecessary in every way shape and form?

Try “stress.”

You’ve probably noticed by now that my columns are typically reflections of my life’s recent goings on, lightly mixed with quirky, sometimes informative or fun-filled, segments. I’m sure you will all be missing “Brad” this time around (particularly “JK”) but right now I’m going to drag you through the muck of my world.

Every week I get to deal with a multitude of individuals stressed out of their minds. Not only is it known to be rampant in my particular line of work, but I’ve become accustomed to this epidemic virtually everywhere I go. Now, stress is an interesting topic for me, because I feel it’s entirely man made. It’s also a concept I’m familiar with, although I’ve spent the last three years developing a rather effective vaccine.

If anyone has the right to be a complete stress case, it’s me. Let me fill you in on why Vegas is used to seeing event coordinators storm in like Napoleon and then abruptly vanish without leaving so much as a contact number. Try having five fairly well-known companies with fairly well-developed egos come together to collaborate on one project with five different sets of expectations. On one hand, you have to uphold everyone’s image and guidelines, while on the other hand they all want their own agendas set into motion and, quite frankly, don’t give a crap about everyone else’s. (It’s even better when celebrities are involved.) It’s the legitimate epitome of Stress Relieving Fact #1: You can’t please everyone.

The key (and it takes practice) is learning where to bend a little, where to be forceful, and exactly when to be removed from everyone else’s whining and demands. Everyone is coming from their own world of perspectives and a lot of the time it’s completely unrealistic to everyone except themselves. I understand, most people really do want to please everyone; I’m a huge perfectionist and guilty of it myself. But it’s just not always possible. And of course that’s a little more difficult to deal with when it’s not 100 percent on the work front. I’m producing Skinfamous as my birthday celebration at RAIN in The Palms on Saturday. I have several sponsors and even more family and friends attending. You should see me, I’m like Bridezilla running around here dealing with guest lists and space issues. Well, Birthdayzilla. You pretty much can’t lay down cold hard facts and deadlines to family and friends. I caught myself getting “the sickness” while trying to please everyone yesterday, but quickly injected my vaccine which happens to be Stress Relieving Fact #2: You have to weigh the amount of work you will induce versus making a couple people mildly unhappy.

Precocious entrepreneur, workaholic and a rabid perfectionist Crystal Starlight knows a thing or two about getting ahead at a young age. Email her at [email protected]

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