Las Vegas


Who's really pulling the trigger?

Can anyone tell me why parents are not being tried in court on behalf of their criminal minor children?

I’m sure everyone’s aware of the recent shootings regarding Paulo Verde and Whitney Elementary school. (And the additional incidents with minors bringing guns to school.)

Why, on earth, are we allowing these things to snowball with regularity? I mean, let’s think about this: If you have a dog and it attacks someone, who gets sued? Does the dog need to come up with damages? If you forget to put your car in park and it rolls down the hill into someone’s house, do they file charges against the car? This whole topic makes me want to scream. If we want to stop ruining people’s lives via ineffective means of regulation we need to start going to the source of our problem instead of just letting it happen and consequently going on damage control. (Which doesn’t do anything at all.)

Young kids and teenagers do very little outside of what they are taught to do via parents and environment. And guess what: Environment primarily consists of all the other kids and parents. So I say get your shit together, or be responsible for the situation you’ve created. If any item that is legally under your supervision becomes a problem, it should be just that: your problem. Parents should be tried and arrested for negligence, or non-regulation of the minors in their care, or whatever the hell you want to label it. But you can’t go around shaking up soda cans and then acting astonished when they explode in public places.

Life, Las Vegas, and America can only move forward; yesterday is always gone.

For anyone concerned with our tomorrow, parenting should be a very serious subject with strict consequences for anyone that believes otherwise.


Precocious entrepreneur, workaholic and a rabid perfectionist Crystal Starlight knows a thing or two about getting ahead at a young age. Email her at [email protected]

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