Dream Zone

Dream Zone with Lauri Quinn lLoewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamt my wallet and cell phone had been stolen out of my purse.

–Trish, 42, Arlington, VA

Lauri: Wallets are also where we keep our IDs, credit cards and money, so they can also symbolize your self-worth, your credibility, how you identify with yourself as well as your value to others. And phones in dreams almost always point to your ability to communicate. To have these items stolen means you feel you have been robbed of something valuable to you, such as your credibility, or you may feel you aren’t getting the credit or recognition you deserve, that you have worked so hard for. There also seems to be some major communication issues here. This dream is telling you that you need to find a new way to communicate and perhaps even find a new way to look at yourself and your value to others.

Trish replies: This relates to my life right now in so many ways. My marriage is not in a good place, and I have seriously been contemplating divorce. It is unfortunate, but may be the best thing. However, I keep being sucked back into staying by my husband. The day before I had this dream, my husband said the phrase “I really need you in my life right now.” That statement had a huge impact on me. It felt like what I wanted really didn’t matter. It really did feel like my identity was being taken from me, and I had no ability to tell him that I want out of the relationship. Thank you so much.

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