Dream Zone

Dream Zone with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamt I was leaving work to pick up my daughter, but I was running late. As I was driving home, I tried to call my friend Brad to tell him why I had left, but my cell phone did not have service. As I was driving I noticed that the river had flooded the road I take home. I tried to drive through, but I felt like I had to go back. As I arrived back at work I saw Brad driving in a rental car. I felt like I had let him down because I hadn’t been there. I tried again to call him but had no service on my phone.

–Jacqueline, 30, Baldwinsville, NY

Lauri: When your phone doesn’t work in a dream, it means you aren’t getting your message across. What has happened recently where you have been afraid to speak up or don’t feel your message is being heard? The flooding water suggests your emotions are getting in your way. Brad’s rental car is referring to something temporary about him or about your relationship to him. Has he needed you to “pick him up” as far as his spirits go? I think the message of this dream is, stop being so unsure because that will get you nowhere. Speak up and make progress!

Jacqueline replies: I now realize there are some things I need to take care of when it comes to Brad. We did have a conversation where I felt like I hadn’t gotten my point across. While I was reading this I thought, “she’s either psychic or exceptionally intuitive.” I now know what I need to do.

  • Get More Stories from Wed, Jan 30, 2008
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