Dream Zone

Dream Zone with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was sleeping with my close friend that I am in love with. I dreamed I was in bed with another man. My friend came in and saw us. He tapped me on the face with a pistol. I pleaded for him to stop. My mouth was moving, and nothing was coming out. I was horrified and woke up.

–Amy, 41, Germantown, TN

Lauri: This dream seems to be commenting on something you need to “face” right now in waking life. Guns in dreams are one’s ability to shoot off one’s mouth, and the bullets are the wounding remarks. He did not shoot the gun in the dream, so perhaps there haven’t been any hurtful words yet. To have a gun pulled on you in a dream can also mean that you are feeling “under the gun.” Is there any pressure you are under in this relationship? And finally, the gun may suggest that you are worried he is not giving this relationship his “best shot.” Just as you are pleading for him to stop in the dream, there must be something in waking life you wish he would stop but haven’t been able to express in your waking life. An inability to speak in a dream is directly connected to an inability to speak up in real life.

Amy replies: I am getting older and want more from our relationship. I know he sees other women, and I hate it. I fear I am going to grow old and be alone. But I also feel I am losing myself by not making

Amy replies: I am getting older and want more from our relationship. I know he sees other women, and I hate it. I fear I am going to grow old and be alone. But I also feel I am losing myself by not making him commit to me. And yes, I am afraid of what he will say if I tell him this.

  • Get More Stories from Wed, Mar 19, 2008
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