Dream Zone

Dream Zone with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I have had this dream several times. I am in a romantic relationship with a man and he is everything I have ever wanted and very kind, but I never see his face.

–Tammy, 43, Stewart, TN

Lauri: Our dreams have a cool way of showing us the different parts of our personality in the form of a person, so we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. That being said, this man very likely represents your male side, the part of you that is assertive. You are attracted to this man in your dream because your dreaming mind wants you to be attracted to this part of yourself so that you will use these qualities to improve your life. Your dream is showing you that this is very much a part of who you are and a part of you that you like. It’s a very good sign that you are having these dreams, as it means you are close to having perfect balance within your personality: the balance of male assertive energy and female nurturing energy.

Tammy replies: I am a single mother, and I do everything! I bring home the money, fix the plumbing, paint, mix cement, etc. I was in a really bad relationship where my husband tried to kill me and my children. I have been divorced for 13 years now, and I have never been on a date since. I do feel better. I am proud of myself and am very excited that I can do what some men don’t even know how to do when fixing a house. It saves me a lot of money.

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