
Three questions with Margaret Cho

Julie Seabaugh

You’re very prolific in the sense that you’ve always got a one-woman show/tour or another in the works, and you must just constantly be writing. Are you very disciplined in that you sit down at a specific time every day, or is it more whenever the spirit moves you?

I try to be disciplined, but often that’s not the case because of the way I’m traveling or doing a lot of other projects at the same time. Being a blogger helps, because I end up writing a lot of my material as a blog first. It kind of starts there, and then it develops into something different. It’s fun for me, and it’s a way to keep connected, and also a way to give back. I like to blog every day, and I’m a fan of a lot of different ones … I love to watch YouTube videos and to see what other people are doing. It’s a great, creative outlet for people to make little films. I love to make films myself when I have time to do that kind of stuff.

Among your titles are stand-up, actress, designer, director, screenwriter, activist, dancer; any outlets you’ve always wanted to explore but haven’t been able to yet?

Well, I guess I’d like to learn more about editing. To me that’s kind of a lot like sewing, like fashion. You sort of finish things and put them together and hem things up, and there’s kind of a way to line it up that’s very similar. Some of these disciplines can be very similar in a lot of ways.

How is the Beautiful tour going thus far?

It’s going really well. I opened it in Australia, and it was received tremendously. Then I went to Hawaii, and it was great. It’s a little different, because the audience is very Asian; it’s a very Asian place. I feel like it’s really important for all Asian-Americans to experience that, being in the majority at one time. They should all go to Hawaii to feel that. I really love it, because it allows me to be really specific about things and have a good time about things. It’s a little bit different and a lot of fun.

March 29, 8 p.m., $38-$58. The Pearl, 942-7777.

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