
[Team Hangover Report]

Vegas heads to Tahoe

Tahoe heads for the hills

Vegas socialite Tiffany Masters and I won an all-expenses-paid trip for 30 to Lake Tahoe courtesy of Light Group for bringing an impressive 108-person entourage to the Bank’s Tahoe Takeover event. Now that the trip has concluded, we feel it is safe to say that the Squaw Valley Resort might never be the same. Approximately 45 of Vegas’ most notorious nightlife members/hooligans descended upon this sleepy resort town like the birds in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, and caused locals to lovingly refer to them as “those Vegas people.” When asked to leave, attendees unaccustomed to California’s last call actually forced bar managers to chase them around the bar, hiding behind tables, saying simply, “You’re gonna have to catch me first,” and proving that you just can’t take us anywhere.


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