The Mob Museum reopens with distancing measures, craft-distilled sanitizer

Traffic passes in front of the Mob Museum, downtown, Monday, Jan. 6, 2020.
Photo: Wade Vandervort

Good news for those who have just finished binging Breaking Bad or The Wire: The National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement, better known as the Mob Museum, will reopen on May 31.

The celebrated nonprofit has enacted a number of preventative measures in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic—it's requiring masks, limiting entry numbers, performing temperature checks, rearranging exhibits to facilitate easier guest flow and increasing the frequency of after-hours deep sanitizing.

But perhaps best of all, the museum will provide every visitor with a bottle of "FDA approved 80 percent ethanol liquid hand sanitizer," made on-premises in the museum's Underground distillery. (Craft hand sanitizer! Let that sink in.)

Seating in the Speakeasy will provide six feet of separation between tables, and additionally, the museum has set aside special hours for medically vulnerable guests and their caretakers, Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Nevada residents can enjoy The Mob Museum for a discounted rate of $16.95, and an after-5 p.m. ticket is available for all out-of-state visitors for $19.95.

For more information, visit The Mob Museum website.

Photo of Geoff Carter

Geoff Carter

Experts in paleoanthropology believe that Geoff Carter began his career in journalism sometime in the early Grunge period, when he ...

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