
Resolve to rock: Local music figures declare their goals for 2019

Glass Pools drummer Emily Sully
Krystal Ramirez

A new year means new resolutions, so we reached out to the Vegas music scene to hear its musical declarations for 2019. Given all the responses, we’re hoping for another big year on the local circuit. –Leslie Ventura

Chani Riiell Leavitt, singer/multi-instrumentalist, Dusty Sunshine: Finish writing all the songs I’ve started and then record them. Get more sleep. Smoke less cigarettes. But also party, because rock ’n’ roll never dies.

Michael McGuinness, drummer, Black Rhino: To get my left hand as good as my right. Also, learn “Desert Rose” by Sting as well as I can.

Jessica Manalo, singer/songwriter: Play more music festivals, release music and music videos consistently, change my music up more stylistically, keep writing and continue improving live performances.

Ryan Arcoraci, bassist, Sage Courageous: Write something epic that my mom will be proud of.

Emily Sully, drummer, Glass Pools: Practice and learn more. Between playing gigs and teaching, I have easily played over 1,000 hours of drums this year, but I never get to practice!

Shayna Mercer, singer, Bad Phantoms: Attend more shows. Finally release another solo album, release Bad Phantoms’ EP and tour.

Kenny Davidsen, pianist, Tuscany Suites and Casino, Don’t Tell Mama: My new year’s resolution is to continue to ... give a platform for the performers in Vegas, especially the new and budding performers. And also to play piano faster.

Ginger Bruner, tuba player/bassist: To pay attention to other shows that I’d like to see, because whenever there’s something I want to see, I get a gig.

Austin Shaddix, singer/guitarist, Laabradoor: Buy a theremin.

Kiel Smith, singer, Hard Pipe Hitters: Learn to play an instrument.

Alice Villa, aka MC Lil Lavedy: Get my album mixed and mastered.

Aaron Archer, singer/songwriter: Continue DIY promotion of my new album, continue writing and recording new material, produce more for others, steadily work as a session player and practice, practice, practice.

Heidi Guinn, singer/guitarist, Dusty Sunshine: I want to finish my solo album. I want to write a new album with Dusty Sunshine, record and possibly tour again.

Jeff Mix, singer/songwriter: I’m going to really focus on trying to grow a better following in Vegas.

Justin Mather, singer/songwriter: Get more song publishing deals, do more co-writes, take my home productions up a notch and pump out 10 more songs. Oh, and play a show or two with Jeff Mix!

Jesse Pino, singer/guitarist, Jesse Pino and the Vital Signs: [Create] new music, play more out of state shows and score some nice [TV] sync licensing and publishing deals.

Rebecca Halpin, bassist, Plague Doctor: More amps, finish recording our EP, start recording a split with Commonear, and being louder and heavier than ever before.

Rasar, MC, The Lique: Consistently write new lyrics, play at least five great festivals, get back to creating my solo material and more international touring. For The Lique, release new music with more production.

Gregory Michael Davis, MC: I want to learn more, and maybe finish my astronomy opera.

Photo of Leslie Ventura

Leslie Ventura

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