Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I had a dream that as I walked out of a lake, I had leeches all over the bottom half of me. I had one on each heel, on my ankles and on my private parts too!

–Beth, 21, Salt Lake City, UT

Lauri:Those leeches are a good indication that someone has attached themselves to you in waking life and is very likely sucking off of you either emotionally or financially. The different body parts upon which the leeches are attached are significant. Your private area means this probably has to do with an intimate relationship. The ankles suggest you have been too flexible and have allowed the sucking of emotions or finances to happen, and the heel is telling you that this situation needs to be “healed.”

Beth replies: Wow! You hit the nail on the head. That dream makes perfect sense now! I had an affair with an ex. My wonderful husband stuck with me, and we worked things out, but this ex never went away. I’d talk with him, as I was too passive and sensitive to what I thought he needed, since he is a very lonely person. He had attached himself to me, it seemed. I was vulnerable, and he knew it, and kept “sucking” those emotions like a leech. I was being too flexible in allowing myself to try to be a friend still. I have since told him sayonara, and it was much easier than I thought it would have been. Things are so much better for my husband and me now!


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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