Dream Zone

Dream zone

I have a recurring dream where I am ascending a long flight of stairs because I have an important appointment with someone in the building. When I get to the top, I see a hallway stretching in both directions, with many doors. I don’t know which office I am to visit, and I stand there when a man with a briefcase walks in front of me. Just then I notice I am holding a baby! –Merry, 71, Bozeman, MT

Lauri: Stairs in dreams symbolize progression, movin’ on up, in some area of our life. Your staircase is very long, symbolizing all the “steps” you have taken in your life thus far. At the top you find a hallway and many doors, meaning you have many choices before you. The man with the briefcase is letting you know there is still “unfinished business.” He walked in front of you because you need to follow his lead and get in there and get busy. Once you do, you will “give birth” to something wonderful and precious, and the dreams will stop.

Merry replies: Your thoughts are correct. I had these dreams some time ago when I was working as a newspaper reporter. I also longed to write something for myself but didn’t have the time to do it. After my husband’s death, I continued to work, thinking that was all that was left. But I met the most wonderful man, and we are now married. I have retired and now am writing one of those books, and the dream has stopped.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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