Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I had a dream that I was a taxi driver, and my ex-girlfriend and her new man were in the back seat of my cab. As I drove them around, I asked them, "Where to?" and the new man said, "Anywhere." The new guy had this cocky grin on his face, and I continued driving them, but we never stopped. I woke up wondering what this could mean.

–Jason, 28, Wausau, WI

Lauri: The taxi is letting you know you are currently on a temporary journey ... a journey perhaps of heartbreak. Did your ex leave you for this new guy? Your dream is assuring you—by placing you in a taxi—that this is a road you will not be on for too long. Your ex and her new boyfriend are in the back seat because they are still in the back of your mind. He tells you "anywhere," because at this point, you may be feeling like whatever you do, wherever you go, they are always in the back of your mind. You are the driver, which means you are the one in control of this feeling. You can continue to let it bother you, or you can stop this ride right now and find something else to occupy the back of your mind. Good luck!.

Kristin replies: Yes, she left me for him. I was heartbroken when she did. The dream came to me on a night when I heard she was in town with him. I know that I'm in control of where I go from here. The hard part is that we have lots of memories together, so it's hard to just forget about them in a short time. It's just a matter of time before new thoughts start to take over, and I think I'm already on my way. Slowly, but surely.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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