Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I have a recurring dream that I have two or three dogs. They have a huge backyard to run around in but somewhere in the dream I realize that I forgot to feed them for quite a few days and they all die! This is so heart wrenching for me because in real life I would never do anything like that.

-Cindy 53, Las Vegas, NV

Lauri: The backyard suggests this is either about that is continually in the back of your mind. The dogs are not actually dogs but rather something you have not been giving enough attention to, most likely someone you have loyalty towards or something you ought to be sticking to such as exercising, eating right, etc. There are two or three dogs in your dream so there are probably two or three issues or relationships you haven’t been giving enough focus or time. Your dream is continuing to warn you that if you don’t nurture and “feed” these relationships or this behaviors or projects, they will come to an end.

Cindy replies: This is so interesting because I have recently separated from my husband of 30 years and as a result I have had to take on two jobs to try to get my life back on track. Exercising and eating right HAVE been on the back of my mind, but have been placed on the back burner, that’s for sure. My intentions are always good, but I usually grab something fast and run out the door.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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