Dream Zone

Dream zone

I dreamt I was at a party with a gal friend of mine. We were sharing a laid-back conversation, when she suddenly leaned in to kiss me. She’s someone I’ve been crushing over for some time. The conversation quickly shifted to talks about “our” future together. Does it have any significance? –Don, 29, Wausau, WI

Lauri: Indeed it does! One of the many purposes of dreaming is to keep you on track and to help you make sure you are heading toward your waking-life goals. When you have a goal in mind, and you dream that the goal is happening, it is a powerful force in getting you there, because when you are in the dream you feel all the emotions and thoughts you would have as if it were a real-life event ... basically, it is a dress rehearsal for the real deal! Kissing, to the dreaming mind, is actually about communication, because, as with kissing, it takes two mouths to communicate. And notice how the kiss led to a conversation of your future together. That is the message of the dream: Communicating your feelings may very well lead to the future you want!

Don replies: That makes sense. I’ve had a huge crush on her, and have kept it to myself for a while. I recently decided to talk to her about our friendship and see if it can be something more. I’m planning to meet up with her soon. It’s certainly been on my mind, and hopefully this is one of those dreams that will come true!


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