Dream Zone

Dream zone

I dreamed I was pulling black snakes from my throat, one after the other! They just kept coming. What does that mean? –Trish, 39, Nashville, TN

Lauri: The dreaming mind will often show us our own male, assertive energy in the form of a snake ... hence their shape! Just as you had to pull the snakes out of your throat in your dream, is there anything in waking life you had to force yourself to voice and assert yourself in some manner? The snakes being black suggest that this issue is dark and negative to you, and the amount of snakes may mean the issues are plentiful. Snakes can also represent healing that needs to begin (emotional or physical). Your dream is showing you that voicing yourself would open up a healing dialogue between you and someone else.

Trish replies: You are right on both accounts. However do you do that? I’ve been depressed and dark lately. My dear old friend whom I normally go to with my problems recently passed away, so I wasn’t sure what to do. I finally forced myself to go elsewhere and ask for help. I also have a former business partner I have been trying to regroup with for a possible opportunity, but she kept dragging her feet, causing the opportunity to slip away. I finally spoke up and told her it wasn’t cool what she did.


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