Dream Zone

Dream zone

My finance was driving, and another female and I were in the back seat of his car when we went off the road and ended up in the water below. I braced myself for the impact. The female and I both went for the electric windows to roll them down as we hit the water. All the electrical components in the car shorted out. I tried to open the door, but the water kept it closed. We all just looked at each other and thought ... this is it ... It was almost too peaceful.–Kay, 49, Houston, TX

Lauri: I think this dream is about your finances because you typed finance instead of fiancé! Going off the road means you are going off a certain path you were on in waking life. What horrible event are you currently bracing for, just as you were bracing for the crash? The electrical components ceasing to work reflects a fear that a smooth-running system will cease to function. Trying to get out of the sinking car is directly connected to your desire to get out of a worsening situation. At the end, you all give in because your mind is telling you to let go and ride it out ... and trust that “the other side” of this situation will be peaceful and well.

Kay replies: Wow. My fiancé and I are starting our own business. I am, of course, freaking out about finances. We both work at different companies that do the same service we will be offering. If anyone finds out, we could both be unemployed before we are ready. Isn’t that something?


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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