Dream Zone

Dream zone

I have had this dream for a very long time. I dream of spiders falling on me, on the headboard, etc. I sit up, see them and scream and run out of the room or turn on the light. It’s at this time I usually wake up and realize it’s a dream, but my heart is racing, and it takes me a while to settle down. What do they mean?

–Annette, 45, Riverton, UT

Lauri: Bugs creep and crawl into our dreams whenever something or someone is really “bugging us.” Spiders in particular point to deceit, a web of lies! That being said, is there anyone in particular who has not been terribly honest with you? It’s not uncommon for a woman to dream of a spider coming down on her from the ceiling while she is in bed because she fears someone she is intimate with is lying to her. It is coming down because this is an issue that is “hanging over your head” and “bugging” you. It is a warning that you need to “exterminate” the situation before you get caught within the web of lies.

Annette replies: You have really helped me. I was married for 18 years and found out my husband had been cheating on me for most of the marriage. It was very hard on me. I’m now engaged and have been for over a year, but my trust issues sometimes take over. I have only had this dream three times since I have been with my fiancé. Now I know I still need to work on my trust issues. Thank you.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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