Dream Zone

Dream zone

I went to a doctor’s office to have surgery on my wrist. Two people came in, and the lady started shooting. She turned the gun on me, but didn’t shoot me because I was pregnant. I’m not pregnant in real life. What does this mean?

–Brooke, 28, Salt Lake City, UT

Lauri: The doctor’s office suggests there is some area of your life that needs “healing.” Your wrist is about your ability to be flexible in a situation where you may not want to bend. Being pregnant means there is something new in your life that is slowly emerging. Shooting often reflects an argument. The gun is pointed at you but is not shot because you must be feeling “under the gun” for this new element in your life to form. Your dream may be telling you that if you “stick to your guns” a new life awaits you.

Brooke replies: My marriage has been on the rocks for the last year, and we just had a serious talk about divorce. We fight about how his ex-wife gets out of things (like taking care of his kids financially) because she knows he will just take care of them. I have stopped bending to her. I told him that if we are not happy with ourselves, then we cannot be happy together. For the last two weeks, it seems like he is going out of his way to be helpful and kind, which he has not been for a LONG time. Thank you so much!


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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