Dream Zone

Dream zone

I dreamed my adult daughter had a school project she was supposed to do, but asked me to do it for her. Well, the time came when it was due, but I had never really gotten around to it. She looked at what little I had done through a microscope and saw that it was a comic strip instead of what the project was supposed to be. Her husband became very angry with me. I woke up so upset at myself! –Patricia, 66, Chattanooga, TN

Lauri: Provided there is no upsetting issue between you and your son-in-law, I’m sure he’s not really mad at you. Whenever someone is mad at you in a dream, it means you are actually mad at yourself in real life. Your daughter’s project is very likely your project. I believe the message of the dream comes in the form of the comic strip. Your dream is telling you that whatever this project or task may be, it is something that is going to be looked at very closely, possibly scrutinized (hence the microscope), so you best take it seriously. Unlike a comic strip, it is not a joke!

Patricia replies: This makes perfect sense. We have been trying to sell our house and thought we had a buyer, but yesterday we found out he decided on a different house because there was too much to be done to this one. I became angry at myself for not taking care of these things. This house has been on the market way too long. I need to get those things taken care of. Thank you.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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