Dream Zone

Dream zone

I dreamt I was at home, although not my home, and there were snakes everywhere. A woman came to this home, and she was apparently a snake charmer. She grabbed up all the snakes, but instead of taking them outside, she released them in other areas of the house, assuring me that it was okay. I suddenly found myself sitting on top of a washer in a laundry room. There was a bright emerald green snake that stood out to me. Then, I was lying on a couch with snakes slithering all over my body, biting me. This woman assured me that it was okay. –Lori, 24, Indianapolis, IN

Lauri: Snakes often slither into a woman’s dreamscape because they tend to refer to a man. The home in your dream is not your actual home, because some area of your life doesn’t quite feel like home. You wind up on top of the washing machine because you’ve got to “get on top” of your emotional cleansing. The snake charmer is your ability to take control. For example, the green snake represents jealousy and envy. ’Tis a good sign the snakes are biting you, my dear! A snake bite in a dream is like a shot being administered. It means healing is beginning.

Lori replies: I’ve always tried to please others before myself, especially my boyfriend. I also have been uncomfortable with my body after having our daughter. I joined a gym a month ago and have already seen a dramatic improvement. I am hoping that my relationship will heal as well.


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