Dream Zone

Dream zone

This dream has followed me (and apparently my co-host!) for years and years. In the dream I am driving on a long bridge that gets so steep it actually curves back on itself, leaving me helpless. My co-host and I share a career choice, obviously, and are the same age, give or take a year, and we both have the same dream! Weird?? –Cathy, Denver, CO

Lauri: Bridge dreams are actually quite common. We’ll dream of bridges when we are going through some sort of transition in waking life, when we are trying to get through something and fear that we won’t make it through that transition. The bridge represents your ability to cross over the rough spot and into your new life or onto your new path. Your bridge curves back on itself because you must—throughout a good part of your life—tend to consider backtracking certain decisions or transitions. Your dream is showing you that trying to back out on something would be more detrimental than sticking it through and continuing on the road you have chosen.

Cathy replies: That does make sense to me. Every other day, it seems, in radio, you’re pushed outside of your comfort zone by having to speak in public, or interview a celebrity, go on TV … and all I can think of is, push through the fear and get out there! I can’t wait to go tell my co-host. Thanks! I have always wondered about that one.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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