Dream Zone

Dream zone

I was running to catch a train. Someone gave me a hand to get on, but while I was running I got into a patch of bugs that bit me. When I got on, my leg really hurt. The flesh was separating from the bone, and the skin was open all the way to the ankle. A doctor sprayed some saline water on it and said that was all he could do. I pulled up my pants and kept going. –Rachelle, 33, Plainville, IN

Lauri: Trying to catch a plane, train or bus in a dream means some opportunity in waking life might be passing you by. Are you up against any sort of deadline? You were able to get on the train, which is a good indication that you are “on track” as far as this opportunity or deadline goes, but there does seem to be a certain issue or person that has been “bugging” you lately. Has something happened recently that really “bites”? Your leg is the victim because it represents your ability to stand up for yourself as well as your ability to progress. Your dream shows that the best thing is to keep moving forward and not dwell on this person or issue that will only hold you back.

Rachelle replies: I have been wanting to go to college, but I have two young children at home and a husband who is not supportive. I keep telling myself I will go after the kids are in school. My husband and I have hit a rough patch, so that’s probably the “bites” part of the dream. I have to keep going for my kids.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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