Dream Zone

Dream zone

I dreamed I was going to be interviewed by Bill O’Reilly. When the makeup lady was done with me I noticed that my left eye had THREE pupils! I was EVOLVING, and I could see through things! So, I started thinking of ways I could use this to my advantage ... mostly in the peek-a-boo game I play with my son. –Michael, 32, Chattanooga, TN

Lauri: You are evolving … in the way you “see” things, that is. Perhaps it is in your political views. Notice that it was your left eye. Would you say you have a more open-minded view of a particular “leftist” issue? Bill O’Reilly claims to be neither “left” nor “right” but right in the middle, an independent. You must be identifying with him a little more now. He also has a way of “seeing straight through” the bull, just as you were able to see through things. Interesting that you thought of playing peek-a-boo with your son. Sounds to me like this newfound “view of things” will be “focused” on helping you be the best father you can be!

Michael replies: Interesting. I just wrapped up a long debate on abortion with two of my friends. My view changed from “definitely no abortion” to “it all depends on indefinable terms” like rights, individual situations, life, consciousness, etc. And yes, this does make me realize that I want to teach my son to be more open-minded and to try to “see through” the issues. Not everything is black and white.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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